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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 02/10/2016
Town of Antrim–Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Gordon Webber in the Little Town Hall.

Members Present: Gordon Webber, Michael Genest, John Robertson
Staff present:  Donna Hanson (Town Administrator)

Agenda Items:
  • Mr. Webber opened the Public Hearing on the proposed 2016 Warrant and Budget.
  • Mr. Webber presented Article 3. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Million Eight hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,800,000) for the purpose of financing  the costs of road and sidewalk reconstruction, drainage and water line improvement in the  Highland Ave/Pleasant Street project area;  to authorize the issuance of bonds or notes in the amount of not more than One Million Four Hundred and Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($1,475,000.00) under and in accordance with the Municipal Finance Act, RSA 33:1 et eq., as amended; and to authorize the Board of Selectmen  1) to apply for, obtain and accept federal, state and other aid, if any, which may be available for said project and to comply with all laws applicable to said project, 2) to issue, negotiate, sell and deliver said bonds and notes, 3) determine the rate of interest thereon and the maturity and other terms thereof, 4) to authorize the withdrawal of Two Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($225,000) from the Highway Capital Reserve Fund, 5) and with One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) to from the Town's unassigned fund balance for the first year’s bond/note payment or other project related items and 6) take any other action or pass any other vote relative thereto. (2/3rd Majority ballot vote required). NOTE: Without impairing the general obligation nature of the bonds or notes, it is the intention of the town that The Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) of the water portion of the project will be funded by water users fees.Mr. Robertson moved to recommend the article as written. Mr. Genest seconded. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Webber yes, Mr. Robertson yes, Mr. Genest yes.Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 3/0
  • Road Agent Jim Plourde presented Article 4. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) for the purpose of purchasing a Highway Truck at least 3/4 ton with a plow and to authorize the withdrawal of $30,000 from the Highway Capital Reserve Fund; further to authorize the sale or trade-in of the current 2001 Chevy 3/4 ton pickup with plow.(Majority vote required) Mr. Robertson moved to recommend the article as written. Mr. Webber seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Robertson yes, Mr. Genest no, Mr. Webber no.  Not recommended by the Selectmen 1/2.
  • Mr. Robertson presented Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Three thousand Five Hundred dollars ($153,500.00) to be added to the present Capital Reserve Funds in the following manner:
  • Highway                 $48,500.00
  • Recreational Fields  $40,000.00
  • Fire Department      $40,000.00
  • Bridge                  $25,000.00
  • (Majority vote required) Mr. Genest moved to recommend the article as written. Mr. Robertson seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Genest yes, Mr. Robertson yes, Mr. Webber yes. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen (3/0)
  • Ms. Celeste Lunetta presented Article 6. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000.00 for the purchase of light towers A1 and A2 from Musco Lighting , to complete phase two of the Shea Field Lighting Project. , and to authorize the withdrawal of 30,000 thousand dollars ($30,000.00) from the Recreational Fields Capital Reserve Fund. This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and will not lapse until the project is complete or December 31, 2021, whichever is sooner.  (Majority vote required) Mr. Genest moved to recommend the article as written. Mr. Robertson seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Genest yes, Mr. Robertson yes, Mr. Webber no.  Recommended by the Board of Selectmen (2/1)
  • Mr. Genest presented Article 7.To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of twelve thousand dollars ($12,000.00) to support the Teen/Community Center. These funds will be contributed to the Grapevine Family & Community Resource Center - a nonprofit service organization - which is responsible for the operation of the Teen Center.  (Majority vote required)  Mr. Robertson moved to recommend the article as written. Mr. Genest seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Genest yes, Mr. Webber yes, Mr. Robertson yes. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen (3/0)
  • Mr. Genest presented Article 8. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for the purpose of continuing the update to the Town assessments in compliance with RSA 21-J:11-a and RSA 75:8-a. This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI an will not lapse until the project is complete or December 31, 2021, whichever is sooner.  (Majority vote required)  Mr. Robertson moved to recommend the article as written. Mr. Genest seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Genest yes, Mr. Robertson yes, Mr. Webber yes.  Recommended by the Board of Selectmen (3/0)
  • Mr. Genest presented Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to discontinue the Capital Reserve Fund set up as the Open Space Reserve Fund created in 2008. Said funds, with accumulated interest to date of withdrawal are to be transferred to the Town’s General Fund. Mr. Robertson moved to recommend the article as written. Mr. Genest seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Robertson yes, Mr. Webber yes, Mr. Genest yes.  (Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 3/0)
  • Mr. Webber presented Article 10. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($75,000) for the purpose of municipally managing a NH Department of Transportation State Bridge Aid grant for engineering design and permitting for the replacement of the West Street Bridge.  Of the appropriation, up to $60,000 (80% of the cost of this project) will come from NHDOT State Bridge Aid, and to authorize the withdrawal of fifteen thousand dollars($15,000) from the Bridge Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund created for that purpose.  This is a non-lapsing Article and will not lapse until 12/31/2021 or until the project is completed whichever comes first.  (Majority vote required) Mr. Robertson moved to recommend the article as written. Mr Genest seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Genest yes, Mr. Webber yes, Mr. Robertson yes. (Recommended by the Selectmen 3/0)
  • Ms. Hanson presented Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of four million, thirteen thousand, nine hundred and twenty six dollars ($4,013,926) for general operating costs of the Town (this appropriation includes $443,598.00 for the Water & Sewer Departments as set forth in the town budget) This article does not include appropriations contained in special or individual articles addressed separately. (Majority vote required) Mr. Robertson moved to recommend the article as written. Mr. Genest seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Webber yes, Mr. Genest yes, Mr. Robertson yes. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen (3/0)
  • Ms. Hanson presented Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to modify the net income provisions of RSA 72:39-a for elderly exemption from property tax in the Town of Antrim, based on assessed value for qualified tax payers, to be as follows: If Single, not more than $26,250 and if Married, a combined income of not more than $37,800. The current net income limits are (Single: $25,000; Married: $36,000). (Majority vote required)  Mr. Robertson moved to recommend the article as written. Mr. Genest seconded. Roll call vote: Mr. Robertson yes, Mr. Genest yes, Mr. Webber yes. Recommended by the Selectmen 3/0
  • Mr. Webber presented Article 13. By petition of 25 or more eligible voters of the town of Antrim, NH to see if the town will urge that the next President and Congress fight big money politics and restore government of, by, and for the people by championing the We the People agenda: 1.Ban super PACs and overturn Citizens United 2.Expose secret donors and require full transparency 3.Ban bribes from big-money lobbyists and government contractors 4. Establish small-donor, citizen-funded elections 5. End gerrymandering and modernize voter registration 6.Close loopholes and enforce campaign finance laws. That the New Hampshire State Legislature support concrete legislation to enact the We the People agenda. The record of the vote approving this article shall be transmitted by written notice from the selectmen to the NH congressional delegation and to Antrim, NH's state legislators, and to the President of the United States informing them of the instructions from their constituents within 30 days of the vote.
  • Mr. Webber closed the public hearing on the warrant articles.
  • Other Business:
  • Ms. Hanson presented contracts to be signed for NH SolarGarden revision, Vachon Clukay & Company PC for annual audit, Lake Sunapee Bank for the TAN, HealthTrust Membership agreement, CNP for assessing and Devine Millimet Bond Attorney. Mr. Genest moved to sign the above mentioned contracts. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0.
  • Mr. Genest moved to approve the BOS article for the Town report and Limrik.
  • After no further business Mr. Webber moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Genest. Passed 3/0
  • Meeting adjourned 8:35 PM
  • Respectfully submitted, Donna Hanson, Town Administrator